Kaylee Bear's Diary

Kaylee's Log of Cute and Cool Stuff

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Today Kaylee had a fun day. She got to play outside with Daddy for over an hour. Kaylee also went on a shopping spree and got new toys and a new mobile that she won't be able to tear down.

Good morning, world!

It's seven more days until my puppy comes home and I can yank his tail, slobber on him, and shriek and squeal at him while he never gets tired! Daddy says the kitty may not love the puppy at first, once she sees how much attention he gets from me, she may learn to appreciate him.

I don't know or care, I just want a wrestling partner and Alex, our kitty, doesn't seem interested! Oh well, she's super soft and I can always bury my face in her fur to show her I love her, too.

The rain stopped(?) a couple days ago, so Daddy's going to take me to the park and we'll see if it's dry enough to play in the grass!